'August 2025
Dates and New Theme
Announced Soon!
Gift Card Bouquet
A $50 Gift Card from ALL 10 Shops!
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Suzanne Gochnour
$50 Gift Card
Kim Kelbe
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Edeana Vollmer
$50 Gift Card
Debby Hasse
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Robin Wilson
$50 Gift Card
Suzy Howard
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Deb Parker
$50 Gift Card
Janis Kelton
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Lisa Meassick
$50 Gift Card
Charlene Boggs
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Vickie Bachman
$50 Gift Card
Tony Wilson
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Priscilla Villanueva
$50 Gift Card
Lee Snyder
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Carol Schilling
$50 Gift Card
Kevin Harrison
Gift Basket ($250+ value)
Susan McDaniel
$50 Gift Card
Tashina Velarde
Gift Basket #1 (Eubank location)
Sharon Foley
Gift Basket #2 (Alameda location)
Kay Anderson
$50 Gift Card
Elena Inge
Riley Blake Gift Basket
Linda Carter
Moda Gift Basket
Mary Vail Butcher
'Featherweight' Hummingbird
Busy Bee Quilts
Our New Mexico quilting community is strong, vibrant, and creative!
The ABQ Shop Hop is a fun activity for quilters and fabric collectors to enjoy
the craft we all love, experience new shops, and make new friends!
So, grab some friends and enjoy a weekend of hopping from shop to shop.
Pick up your Passport at the first participating shop you visit
& get it stamped at each additional shop you visit.
Leave your completed Passport (10 stamps) with the last shop
& you’ll be entered for the grand prize drawings!
All shops will have a unique block and coordinated project using their block.
The block pattern will be FREE at each shop
Block fabric kits will be available for $8.99 (while supplies last).
Project patterns will be available to make a memorable 2024 ABQ Shop Hop project.
Each shop will also be designing a quilt pattern coordinating all blocks,
with quilt kits for sale in their shop!
All the shops have designed a
unique quilt block that goes along with
the selected theme, and will contain shared colors for a cohesive quilt project.
(This year, shops will also be designing
custom setting kits for you to choose from!)
10 Quilt Shops... 3 Days... Unlimited FUN!
Please reach us using the Contact Form if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, there are no entry fees or participation costs.
Purchase is not required to receive a Passport stamp or a Free Block Pattern.
1. Yes, each shop will provide a FREE pattern for a unique block (one per customer, please).
2. Shops will offer fabric kits to make their block - for a fixed fee (the same at all shops).
3. Shops may also offer patterns and kits for a small project that highlights their block.
4. Shops may offer a finishing quilt pattern and quilt kit (for a fee)
Each shop will have Passports available - pick up a Passport at the first shop you visit.
You may start your journey at any of the participating shops & complete them in any order you choose. See The Map below
To be eligible for entry into the Prize Drawings, your Passport must have a stamp from each of the 10 participating shops. (Note: You only have to visit one of Bob's Sew & Vac locations)
However, you may still participate in the fun of the Shop Hop even if you are not able to complete your entire Passport.
All shops will be open from the hours of 10am - 5pm on each day of the Shop Hop.
Passports with ALL stamps completed will be eligible for entry into the Prize Drawing.
There will be numerous Grand Prizes up for grabs (e.g., last year there was a Sewing machine and an Iron) - Full list to be posted soon.
Each shop will donate a Gift Basket ($250 value) and a Gift Card ($50).
1. Have a physical retail location, within 40 miles of Downtown ABQ
2. Sell industry-known quilting fabric for more than a year (by the time of the Shop Hop)
3. Agree to special hours of 10am-5pm for each day of the event
4. Agree to no special discounts/sales during event (normal clearance fabric section is ok)
5. Agree to design a custom block that supports the Theme and uses the committee's agreed-upon fabrics.
6. Agree to print & hand out passports, and provide a free printed copy of their custom block pattern for customers during the event.
6. Contribute to the pool of prizes and gift certificates for winners
7. Contribute a shared fee to help with promoting the event (website, flyers, ads)
8. Attend planning meetings, Communicate, Have fun & share the love of quilting!
Applications to participate are submitted via the Vendor Application Form and will be accepted through March 31, 2024 for review & approval by the ABQ Shop Hop committee
We love our customers!
Please come visit any of our shops during normal business hours, throughout the year (Check each shop's site for their hours)
The map below shows our locations.
Come visit with our friendly staff, feel the fabric, take a class, participate in a program.